
Kurt Cobain Research Paper

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Kurt Cobain was a man of many gifts. He wrote incredible lyrics, had amazing stage presence, and inspired an entire generation. He was also a man of many flaws. Whether it was his tragic relationship with Courtney Love, his loathing self-image, or his sensational appetite for drugs, there was definitely issues. Surprisingly, Cobain despised drugs, and once stated in an interview that “All drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self-esteem.” (Azerrad). This is shocking for a man who was known to be, well, a junkie. However, when the events of his life are magnified, it makes sense. The music Cobain created revolved around drugs, and the impact they had on his life. His music was …show more content…

In one song, “Pennyroyal Tea”, he sings about drinking the tea and pretty much having the life sucked out of him. He may have been referring to his drinking habit simply because he is referring Pennyroyal tea which is obviously a drink. He could have also been talking about his love/hate relationship with heroine. Cobain goes into self-loathing later in the song calling himself a liar and a thief. Clearly, he showed in his songs he hated the fact that he used drugs. He hated himself even more because he was addicted and could do absolutely nothing to stop himself. During the tour that revolved around this album Cobain even attempted suicide while he was supposed to be on a little vacation in Europe (“Kurt Cobain”.) He later sings in the song about taking antacids. He describes them as warm milk and laxatives. The warm milk may be representing the truly good things in his life such as friends or love interests. The laxatives may be a representative of things in his life that were difficult at the time but eventually helped him better his life such as going to rehab

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