Kwame Dawes poem “Death” and Emily Dickinson poem “I felt a Funeral” both have a similar subject of death, but have didn’t styles of presenting the topic. Dawes poem “Death” is presented more literal and Dickinson poem approaches death through more metaphorically. Dickinson’s Poem explains her imagining her own funeral, she describes herself in the poem, like she is isolating herself from others. She is using her own burial to descried what it feels like to be secluded. As for Dawes poem, he literally describes experimenting with death and seems to embrace it. Both of the poems took something negative, but at the end they took something positive. Dickinson created an overwhelming atmosphere using phrases such as “Kept treading, treading…Kept
Emily Dickinson was thought to have an obsession with death due to her many poems and letters that contain the subject. In the later stages of her life, many of her friends and family members died. There is a window in the house where she lived that looked over the cemetery where she was a witness to many funerals that occurred. To see such a repeated reminder of loved ones lost and the presence of death in her backyard, her thoughts frequently turned to death. Poems like 280, “I felt a Funeral, in my Brain” (87) shows a clear insight into how she was affected by death. In that poem, Emily Dickinson wrote about a funeral service that she must have witnessed. “And Mourners to and fro/ Keep treading – treading – till it seemed/ That Sense was breaking through”(87). Funerals can be very hard to digest for the people attending. From the few funerals I have attended, people are
Death is not a just a theme used throughout her poems but it was Emily Dickinson’s lifelong obsession. Death has been mentioned frequently in her poems together with frustration, suffering, pain, sorrow, grief and loneliness Death is portrayed by her from every possible aspect – as the courtly lover, the dreadful assassin, the physical corruptor, a free agent in nature and wonderful company on a carriage ride. She was obsessed with the problem of death and life after death. This obsession with death and spirituality made critics view Dickinson as a mysterious and dark poet. In the text “Blind Seeing: Death writing from Dickinson to
Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson were both poets who wrote about the concept of death. The two poets illustrated different perspectives on death. Whitman identified with the entirety and truth of death; whereas, Dickinson pinpoints the dramatization of death. Walt Whitman’s message on death portrayed in his poetry is more compelling than that of Emily Dickinson’s. Whitman discusses the favorableness of death, the verisimilitude that pertains to death, and his elaborate explanations on how we humans understand death.
Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson’s poetry is very different; however death seems to be a familiar topic amongst both poets. Opposites attract, and you could say the same for Whitman and Dickinson because though they have different writing styles both repeatedly write about death. Once more, although both Whitman and Dickinson have many different feelings about death, they also share many similar feelings about it as well. Although Walt Whitman's poetry is rather long and quite simple and Emily Dickinson's are often short and complex, the theme of death strongly ties their works together.
Emily Dickinson is one of the most popular American poets of all time. Her poetry is seen as intense and passionate. Several of her many poems seem to be devoted to death and sadness. No one seems to know the exact connections between actual events in her life and the poetry that she wrote. The reader can see vivid images of Dickinson's ideas of death in several of her poems. Dickinson's use of imagery and symbolism are apparent in several of her death poems, especially in these three: "I Felt a Funeral in My Brain," "I Heard a Fly Buzz-When I Died," and "Because I Could Not Stop for Death."
Emily Dickinson once said, “Dying is a wild night and a new road.” Some people welcome death with open arms while others cower in fear when confronted in the arms of death. Through the use of ambiguity, metaphors, personification and paradoxes Emily Dickinson still gives readers a sense of vagueness on how she feels about dying. Emily Dickinson inventively expresses the nature of death in the poems, “I felt a Funeral, in my Brain (280)”, “I Heard a fly Buzz—When I Died—(465)“ and “Because I could not stop for Death—(712)”.
Emily Dickinson is a very famous and accomplished poet with over 1700 published poems. Several of her poems are similar in theme, and also similar in bringing out human emotions that we humans usually try to avoid. The common theme in most of Dickinson 's poems is the wonders of nature, and the identity of self, as well as death and life. The five poems with the common theme of death are: “My Life had Stood- A Loaded Gun”, “I Heard A Fly Buzz- When I Died”, “Behind Me Dips- Eternity”, “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”, and “I “I Felt a Funeral in my Brain.”
Many authors are afraid to express their personal feelings on such a topic as death. Being a touchy subject, the fear of losing an audience comes into question. Such a theme isn’t an issue for Emily Dickinson however, writing meaningful poems and does it in an extraordinary way with describing the sensitive matter of death while still being able to control the reader’s emotions such as that in "Because I could not stop for death" and” I heard a fly buzz- when I died". Sharing the common rhythm about death, but differ in tone and mood towards the subject. Her use of metaphors and setting descriptions are expressively throughout these poems, giving the audience a more emotional toile from each of these.
Emily Dickinson is one of Americas greatest and most original poets of all time. Over the span of her lifetime she came to compose many poems that pertained to the topic of death, which made it seem as if she had an almost morbid fascination with the subject. Her poems "I heard a Fly buzz –when I died", and "Because I could not stop for death—" are some of the many poems that she wrote on this ghastly topic. Even though the poems are somewhat similar with the main focus being death from different viewpoints, I personally believe that "I heard a Fly buzz—when I died" was more of a powerful and impacting poem for various reasons.
Death is a subject many famous poets write about. Often we see writers express the fear of not knowing what happens after you pass, and fear of death in general. In Emily Dickinson’s poem “Because I could not stop for Death”, she has a different approach. She combines the christian view of eternal life with dark but peaceful imagery of riding with the character, Death. She writes as if she is communicating from the afterlife; and she is describing the memory of her journey with Death.
The subject of death, including her own was a very prevalent theme in Emily Dickinson’s poems and letters. Some may find her preoccupation with death morbid, but this was not unusual for her time period. The mindset during Ms. Dickinson’s time was that of being prepared to die, in the 19th century people died of illness and accidents at an alarming rate, not to mention the Civil War had a high number of casualties, she also lived 15 years of her youth next to a cemetery. Dickinson’s view on death was never one of something to be feared she almost romanized death, in her poem “Because I Could not Stop for Death”, she actually personifies death while narrating from beyond the grave. In the first stanza she states “I could not stop for
I agree with you, Emily Dickinson portrays death in her poems as something not scary like the usual "grim reaper" view of death. Instead, death is shown as a very nice companion, they do not go anywhere horrible or scary or supernatural. Instead, they just pass by regular sights like a schoolyard. So Death is personified in a pretty benign way in this
One of the most revered poets of the mid eighteen hundreds is none other than Emily Dickinson. Unlike most, Dickinsons’ life was a constant struggle. In the poem “ I felt a funeral in my brain”, her perception was actually a premonition of her own funeral. This describes a series of deep mixed feelings towards herself and her afterlife. This poem provides a clear indication of how unstable her mind was becoming. Somewhere between her past life and this poem have a similar connection with each other. Dickinson uses a lot of emotion and metaphorical phrases to show that a piece of her slowly dying. As she thinks and feels, she is showing that her true self is dividing. By the end if this poem her state of mind is no longer present, but rather
Emily Dickinson, as a poetic writer, composed most of her works with the theme of death, the entirety of which can be categorised into three different periods of writings; the earliest mainly contained the themes of death and immortality, personifying death and elegiac poems and lacked the intensity and urgency of her later poems or their fascination with the physical aspects of death (VAN DAESDONK 2007). Because of Dickinson’s immense fascination with this subject it is interesting to compare her pieces against each other to see how her view of death changed over the years of her writing.
“The Bustle in a House” by Emily Dickinson (653) is a poem that uses the death of a loved one and turns it into how the domestic duties must go on and utilizes that as a source to cope with the grief caused by the depressing situation. Similarly, “Funeral Blues” by W.H. Auden (762-763) is also a poem about death in which is told in a man’s perspective who is mourning the loss of a lover who has died. Although “The Bustle in a House” and “Funeral Blues” share death as the comparable theme, both poets go about it in separate ways. Both poems utilize the same sound devices to create imagery, however “Funeral Blues” usage of structure, syntax, and symbolism is demonstrated more effectively in order to convey the way the speaker processes death.