
LGBT ACA Provisions

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LGBT ACA Provisions The larger bill in question is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, often referred to as the ACA or "ObamaCare" had a wide-ranging set of implications and a lot of those implications directly affect the LGBT community in one way or more one than one way. While the bill does not specifically cater and cover the LGBT, they certainly do get to enjoy benefits that they previously did not have access to or at least not as much as they now do given the changes to the law. This report will cover the author's position on this bill, how the bill affects the author personally, how it will affect the author's nursing career, how it will impact someone that is important to the author of this paper, one action that the author will take in support of the bill will be identified and the desired and expected outcome of that action will be identified. Bill Title & Purpose The broader purpose of the Affordable Care Act was to increase access to health care for all Americans, with the primary focus being on uninsured and under-insured Americans. This paper focuses on the LGBT population because the prevailing federal (and most state) laws around the country do not favor or cater to the LGBT community. Indeed, when it comes to employees covering their families, people wanting to cover their homosexual or unmarried partners are often not able to under their employer's policy because many to most employers in many states do not offer it and it is not required by

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