
LGBT Persecution During The Holocaust

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Why Can’t People Appreciate Them, Because They’re Different?
LGBT have gone through several years of persecution, just because they are different. No one understands that LGBT people are just like everyone else. They are ordinary people who just happen to have different beliefs from the mainstream. LBGT people want to be treated like they exist, like they are actual humans! Why can some people not just realize that LGBT people are no different from everyone else?
Body 1 Persecution During the Holocaust
During the Holocaust, the persecution of homosexuals were ignored, but they had not only been persecuted by German Soldiers. There were also reports of most people from the gay community were beaten to death. German soldiers had made some of the people from the gay community wear a pink triangle, and used them for target practice. Female homosexuality was not technically a crime, and thus gay women were not treated as poorly as gay men. Still, there are reports of gay women being imprisoned for their sexuality. Most would have been imprisoned for other reasons, i.e. “antisocial” behavior. …show more content…

Yes the average person would date, or go out with a male/female, depending on who it is. They on the other hand have other beliefs. If you're a female in our ways, you could date a female, or even get married to one. Same goes for males. Some females believe that they’re males, or make them look like one, and that’s alright with us. Some don’t even have genders, I mean you could call them he or she and they wouldn’t care. That’s how they got their name, LGBT’s (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,

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