
LGBTQ Is A Social Problem

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According to Mooney, social problem is a social condition that a segment of society views as harmful to members of society and in need of remedy. There are many social problems in our country, and one of them is the LGBTQ community and their rights. The LGBTQ communities have been a social problem since long ago. They face many problems and injustice that might include harassments and discrimination. According to Subhrajit, “LGBTQ people are very likely to be involved with prejudice, harassment, and the danger of assault because their sexual orientation, than those who identify themselves as heterosexual.” Based on this I think LGBTQ is a social problem.
In the article “History of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Social Movements”, it talks about how there was pre-history of LGBTQ. Most historians approve that there is indication of homosexual pursuit and same-sex love. The article states that we recognize that homosexuality was in prehistoric Israel just because it is forbidden in the Bible, whereas it succeeded amongst both men and women in Ancient Greece. Significant evidence also exists for persons who were at least part of their lives as a diverse gender than allocated at birth. The article shows that people have been subjected to LGBTQ all throughout history. Yet, it is a sin, and some people are again the notion that not all people are straight.
Bonnie Morris of George Washington University stated in and article that during June 2016, a popular gay dance club

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