
Lab Report Percent Yield

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The company’s objective was to find a ratio best fit to produce the highest amount of product and percent yield. Therefore, a prediction was made that ratio 1 will produce the highest percent yield and amount of product, magnesium sulfate, because it had the highest theoretical yield of 0.80 grams of magnesium carbonate out of ratio 2’s 0.40 grams and ratio 3’s 0.45 grams of magnesium carbonate. In addition, although ratio 1 uses the most amount of reactants, 1.60 grams of magnesium sulfate and sodium carbonate, its predicted, based on the raito’s theoretical yields, that ratio 1 will produce twice as much magnesium carbonate as ratio 2 and 3. Furthermore, after conducting the experiment, the data collected has proven the prediction to be inaccurate. One piece of data that supports that the prediction is inaccurate is that …show more content…

Although ratio 2’s percent yield is high due to mistakes, it still proves that it produced more product and higher percent yield than the hypothesized ratio, ratio 1. Likewise, ratio 3 also produced more magnesium carbonate and a higher percent yield than ratio. Ratio 3’s average percent yield is higher than ratio 1’s by 11 percent. Like said earlier, ratio 3’s trial experimentations were accurate and had no mistakes as far as the team observed, therefore, ratio 3 having a high percent yield average would be reasonable. The last evidence that proves the prediction wrong would be that during the first five trials, three trials for ratio 1 and 2 trials for ratio 2, the beaker used to filter our solutions kept leaking. During the filtration process, the two dissolved substances were mixed in a beaker to react together. Therefore, after the dissolved magnesium sulfate and sodium carbonate reacted together, the solution was to be filtered using filter paper, filter funnel and erlenmeyer

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