
Labour Party Irresponsibility

Decent Essays

For the last seven years, we have worked hard to restore prosperity and security to our once crippled country. Together, we have successfully transformed and strengthened our economy. Together, we are putting more people back on their feet and back in the workplace. Together, we are building a better, bigger, and brighter future for ourselves and all our posterity. I believe that we can continue this reign of progress, but only if we do so together. Just seven short years ago, our country was on the brink of financial collapse from the Great Recession under the Labour Party’s irresponsibility in the handling of government debt (Pettinger). Through practicality and responsibility, we have repaired the damaged and once again have placed the …show more content…

As MP, I will support legislation that promotes the whittling away of our national debt, so that we may hand over a stronger, more stable economy to our children. We, the Conservative Party, have concocted a deficit reduction plan that will find £1 for every £100 the government spends, £13 billion from wasteful department spending, and at least £5 billion by cracking down on tax evasion and avoidance (“The Conservative Party Manifesto”). I must warn you to be wary of the seducing socialist promises of my opponents from the Labour Party to increase government spending, employ wealth taxes, and overfund welfare programs (Heath). The exorbitant spending they propose will derail any progress we have made to economic security and once again put our country at risk when disaster strikes again, as it did in …show more content…

While immigration does harbor benefits to our economy, culture, and lifestyle, we believed that it must be controlled to protect the citizens of Britain first. When renegotiating terms with the EU, we will assert the stance that EU migrants must reside and contribute within the UK for at least four years before receiving welfare benefits such as child benefits, tax credits, and consideration for council housing. By doing so, the financial incentive will be reduced for lower skilled laborers to migrate to the UK. We will introduce reform into the system to crack down on illegal immigration and overstayed visas by putting sanctions on businesses and colleges that fail to enforce that their migrant students or workers are here on legal grounds (“The Conservative Party Manifesto”).
A vote for me in this upcoming election is a Conservative vote, a Conservative vote that will support a party that will put the interests of you, your family, and your country above all else. We stand by you. Will you stand by

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