
Lack Of Gender Equality In The United States

Decent Essays

The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” Apparently, to Jefferson, “equal” is only a term used for wealthy, white, males. 1776 was a period where Africans were enslaved, the poor were discriminated against, and women were their husband’s possessions. Today, in 2016, United States citizens are still made to falsely believe that men and women alike are have equal opportunities. Although progress has been made since the drafting of the constitution, inequality is still prevalent in today’s society. Arguably, the most shocking form of it is the lack of female pay and representation in the workforce.

Today, it is made to look like men and women are equal. However, according to Reuters of the New York Times, women only make up forty percent of the workforce. Even more shocking is that only thirty-three percent of managers and twenty percent of corporate executives are women. The lack of representation of women in the workforce is unfathomable. When Abigail Adams wrote to her husband pleading for him to “remember the ladies,” she was referring to equal representation in the government. However, this idea is still relative in today’s …show more content…

Unfortunately, the popularity of the topic has not resulted in much change. As young women in, or not far from joining, the workforce, these statistics are terrifying. Reuter’s article references an interview with Patricia A. Milligan from the consulting firm, Mercer. The Global leader comments that, “We won't see any form of real pay equity in our lifetime.” Both men and women must come together and fight for true global equality. Equal pay and representation in the workforce are the first steps to worldwide gender equality, and overcoming this unjust trial can be the key to motivating the rest of the world to join our

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