
Lady Macbeth Relationship Essay

Decent Essays

In the play “Macbeth” we see many changes with his wife, Lady Macbeth. She takes on major changes throughout the play, like calling spirits, and develops similarities between her and her husband Macbeth. Through the play Lady Macbeth changes her behaviour from loving to manipulative towards husband. She slowly becomes insane and Macbeth's evil doppleganger by showing little tenderness until her tragic demise. This leads to both Lady Macbeth and her husband going insane. In the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth seems kind and loving towards her husband, but is then shown as conniving and evil in spiritual ways. She shows this by calling upon spirits saying, ''Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill …show more content…

Lady Macbeth is controlling and conniving, where Macbeth is much more blunt and reserved but they both have similar dreams and ambitions of power. Even though their gender roles are different, with Lady Macbeth being more dominant in the relationship and Macbeth being more submissive and inferior towards his wife, it helps them to work together in planning and going through with Duncan's murder. Also, Lady Macbeth often makes fun of her husband for being weak. When making fun of his manhood she says, "What beast was't then that made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man. And be to more than what you were, you would be so much more the man."( I, vii, 47-51). In this quote Lady Macbeth teases her husband by using their close-knit and intimate understanding of each other against him. She especially recognizes the flaws and qualities in her husband and tries to fulfill his ambitions and dreams of becoming King. She knows Macbeth will not do anything to achieve his goals so she steps into action by plotting the murder. Even though Macbeth was a brave soldier,he is mentally very weak, This is also much like Lady Macbeth where she is strong on the outside but can be easily broken after tragedies. This shows that the couple can become truly crazy when pushed off the edge with their cruel

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