
Why Is Lady Macbeth More Evil Than Her Husband

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To me Lady Macbeth has been more evil than her husband. She is more ambitious than her husband, she does any and everything it takes to get to the top and she doesn't care who gets in her way. She is very manipulating when it comes to her husband. Her power she has over him is unbelieveable. In the beginning of the play everything seems equal, like this is an equal partnership between the two. But, later on in this play you can see how things change. Macbeth allows his wife to control him. She knows how to use just the right words when it comes to getting what she wants from her husband. Even when he questions himself about what she tells him to do, he ends up doing it anyways. When Lady Macbeth talks to witches she talks to them about how she thinks Macbeth will be too kind-hearted. She wants him to rule with an iron fist, she wants him to show no mercy at all. Lady Macbeth convinces her husband to kill the king, so Macbeth can take the throne as the king. Macbeth had been already next in line for the king, but his wife did not want to wait for his time to come. Macbeth shows remorse after he kills King Duncan. It bothered him so bad that he couldn't sleep later on that night because of what he did. She wanted him to take his place as king right then and there. …show more content…

You hardly ever see any kind of sympathy shown by here. If she does, she shows very little. When she hears about what the witches have to say about Macbeth, she starts her plan. She plans out the whole murders, which leaves her to play a huge part. The other murder that she plans out is Banquo. During a dinner, Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo, Lady Macbeth thinks its funny and makes fun of him because of what her husband was seeing. All of the crimes that she committed are unbelievable. It is hard for anybody to make sense of what she was

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