
Lady Macbeth's Ambition

Decent Essays

The play Macbeth, written by the infamous William Shakespeare, is a tragedy that combines fact and legend to tell the story of an eleventh century King who deeply desires power and advancement. Although not naturally inclined to commit evil deeds, the main character Macbeth fails to escape the influence of his Lady. Ultimately, one of the strongest human drives seems to be a desire for power. William Shakespeare proves this to be true as he illustrates a story that goes to widths ends. Through the use of symbolism, imagery and irony, the author writes a monumental story and displays a remarkable theme that destruction presents itself when ambition becomes unfulfilled by moral constraints. While not the only factor, Lady Macbeth plays a substantial …show more content…

Macbeth himself withholds high ambitions and determination to hold the throne, but his wife seems to hold even more so. At first Macbeth was hesitant to murder Duncan, yet it was Lady Macbeth who persisted and drove him to complete the task. It is crystal clear that Lady Macbeth drives Macbeth forward through complete manipulation. Being a women, and confined in the time period that she lives, the Lady is limited to the conventions of society that prevent her from doing much. In result, Lady Macbeth pours her ambition and power into Macbeth. All in all, Lady Macbeth goes as far as to question the manhood of her husband to push him to commit evil deeds. Throughout the duration of the story, Macbeth struggles to escape the control of his wife and lose his desire of power to hold the throne of Scotland. Shakespeare uses Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s struggle to obtain power to enhance the meaning of his work. The plot he uses keeps the reader intrigued and thirsty for what event Macbeth is going to take part in next. Every instance Macbeth commits a murder to guard his power or gain more, the audience feels the effect it has on him and his Lady.

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