
Lake Hamahawk Summer Essay

Decent Essays

Birds chirping, crystal blue water, big towering pine trees mixed with amazing birch trees, and on top of all that the fresh, crisp, pine scented, air. That is what Lake Tomahawk Wisconsin is like. My grandpa owns a cabin up there so we visit it a few times a year. Half of the cabin my grandpa bought and the other half he built with amazing logs of orange colored wood. I love it up there, mainly because: it’s friendly, everything is nearby, and there is still a TON of nature. But anyway, this little situation happened the week of 4th of July.
We had been up in the cabin for about two days, it was: my family, cousins and their families, and my grandma and grandpa. My dad and I woke up early that day to go fishing, so we started to go …show more content…

My dad thought he new where he was going so we started to go fast, when it suddenly came up to 6ft of water. We were so confused because we had never seen this before and next thing you know we almost bottomed out. (That’s when the boat hits the ground and either gets stuck or beat up.) We also were worried about hitting one of the volkswagen sized boulders littered around the lake. So we raised up the motor a little bit and I went up front to see if I could see the ground, which I could easily see it clear as day. At that point we got so turned around that we didn’t even know where the boat launch was. So now we are lost, confused, and almost hitting bottom.
We ended up calling my grandpa, who knows this lake humongus like back of his hand, and all he did was make fun of us. We also tried to call my uncle, he did the same thing, except he doesn’t know the lake NEARLY as well as my grandpa. Then we tried to see if our phones would help, they didn’t. We didn’t have the patience for the map to load our current location in this huge lake. Finally we used the GPS on the fishfinder, which we had both forgotten about, and found that we had been driving in circles for an hour. Eventually the fog cleared and we started to fish there, and we nailed them. Just about every cast we caught a fish, whether it was a bluegill, rock bass, smallmouth, or largemouth (If you don’t know those species google them). Now it’s our new favorite fishing

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