
Land And Human Connection Essay

Decent Essays

The Land and Human Connection When I came to college I noticed something I think most college freshman experienced. This was the fact that a lot of people from various regions generally reflected each other. That is to say that people from colorado had certain characteristics in common that were very different from characteristics eastern people or native Montana students had. It wasn't just the Montana students that resembled each other but the Montana teachers as well. Each group generally had distinct characteristics in common. This lead me to the conclusion that it was not a coincidence and that the place an individual is from may lend a hand in shaping individual identities. The degree to which place shapes character is directly dependent …show more content…

The immediate land scape is the area directly surrounding an individual. People tend to reflect themselves onto the landscape. That is to say the immediate landscape— not the much vaster land that is the mountains, plains and desert— is often a reflection of the way people interrupt themselves. The example used in the essay “Landscapes; The Social Construction of Nature and the Environment”, was “The open field is the same physical thing, but it carries multiple symbolic meanings that emanate from the values by which people define themselves. The real estate developer, the farmer, the hunter are all definitions of who people are, and the natural environment — the physical entity of the open field — is transformed symbolically to reflect these self definitions.” (Greider and Garkovich, 1). Greider and Garkovich go more in depth of the meaning of land in terms of society than I do, but their example is perfect for what I am trying to illustrate. What they are saying that even though all of these people are looking at the same field they all imagine different outcomes and uses for the field. The farmer sees what he can grow in this field because that is what is personal culture is, a farmer. The real estate developer sees all the condos he can build because that is his personal culture. Exct. The greater land shapes the soul, the people and culture an individual grows up with shape his personal culture which in turn dictates how he will shape his immediate landscape. This is because people are more comfortable with themselves if they are surrounded by their own culture, and what better way to do that than shape the land scape to reflect themselves. For example a farmer would feel greatly out of place in a city so he goes to a place where he can shape the land into a farm to reflect himself. The immediate landscape is shaped by people to reflect

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