
Landy Razafindrabe. Review Of Brand & James, Beginnings.

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Landy Razafindrabe
Review of Brand & James, Beginnings In this book, Brand and James fully explored the two realms of science and faith. Through their exploration of science and faith, they revealed feasible connections with what is stated in the Bible followed by scientific evidence that illustrates issues concerning the origin of the Earth’s history, creation and evolution, as well as fossils. As both Brand and James explore these three specific areas, they provide an honest judgment of what scientific knowledge we currently have. The Bible was also used to get a chronicle idea of how they should base their theological basis. I appreciate how Brand and James freely express their strategy and devotion. It is not easy to stray away from …show more content…

The book then goes to apply their approach to observe further details of the beginning of life, life’s history, and geology. Brand and James then conclude their exploration of faith, reason, and earth history by challenging us to think about why this topic of faith and science as pairs is of importance.
Three concepts are evaluated individually to understand modern science. The first concept is that nature isn’t controlled by the capricious whims of supernatural spirits or the operation of magic, but through natural laws. The second concept talks about how we can study and understand living things and physical phenomena through experimentation. The last concept mentions that neither living organisms nor the physical universe is static (p. 22-23). The genesis of life has two approaches, abiogenesis (naturalistic) and interventionist. The abiogenesis approach takes on the stance that each life process needs a particular molecule which is created from several machines in order to create a living cell. Brand gave an example of the ATP synthase structure and the biomolecular machine that makes ATP. With this type of theory, it is impossible to think that these models were created spontaneously in nature without an intelligent creator (p.37-38). On the other hand, the interventionist approach believes that there was an intelligent creator/intervention that was involved in earth’s history. From Brand’s standpoint, Brand is for interventionism. His belief is based on

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