
Language Techniques Used In Night By Elie Wiesel Dbq

Decent Essays

Nigh DBQ: Rough Draft

We communicate through words, but imagine if nobody could understand you at some point and you had to find different ways to express yourself. During World War II, two-thirds of the Jews living in Europe were killed, this attempt of genocide is known as the Holocaust. Survivors of this have had trouble searching for the right words to express their selves and experiences. Although they struggled, they managed to find ways to tell their stories through symbolism, the repetition of words, and confessing the failure of words.

Symbolism can represent anything you want through the use of symbols. This is what Elie Wiesel does in his book Night. He describes his first night at the camp in Auschwitz writing “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed” (Doc A). This is where “night” turns into a symbol of sadness and hopelessness. In the book And Every Single One Was Someone by Phil Chernofsky the word “Jew” (Doc B) is also symbolic. Each word in the book represent a life that was taken during the Holocaust. These words symbolized more than what was and is recognized. …show more content…

Adding to the symbolism of the word “night” it is also repeated throughout the book as well as the phrase “never shall I forget” (Doc A) that is repeated in a same section where Elie tells his first night in camp. This phrase is repeated to make the reader “never forget” about these times. The word “Jew” in And Every Single Was Someone (Doc B) is also repeated, but not a few times but six million times. This is extremely powerful because it is without exaggeration and to know that each word represents a human life just makes it harder to take

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