
Lao Tzu Oligarchies

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Throughout the time of recorded history, humans have had the natural desire for protection and order. That desire is where government comes in. There have been many forms of government throughout history, according to Aristotle, there have only been two types, oligarchies and democracies. Aristotle goes on to say that there are variations of these governments; for example, an aristocracy is considered to be an oligarchy where the wealthy land owners make the decisions in government. Later in that same paragraph, he states that a republic is a form of democracy; these are not the only variations of democracies and oligarchies as there are many variations of these two types of government along the spectrum (Aristotle 3). Societies all through history have one thing in common, they all had some form of government; This raises the question though, what is the difference between a good and bad government? Lao Tzu has an insight on the differences between a good and bad government in his philosophical writing, Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching, where he states that a good government shall not make their people want, they should provide everything that their people need. He also states that wars cause chaos and a good leader would not wage war and sacrifice his or her people and be moral in their decisions (Tzu 19). In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson lists his grievances against King George III. The first of these grievances is that King George refused to

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