
Laser Surgery Research Paper

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A Few Things To Know About Having Laser Surgery On Your Cataracts

If you have cataracts, you may be able to put up with cloudy vision for a few years, but eventually, you'll probably need surgery to remove the cataracts and improve your vision. That's because cataracts continue to grow and your vision gets progressively worse over the years. At some point, your vision may become so impaired you have difficulty driving at night, or you may increase your risk of falling. Cataract surgery is very common and it is a relatively safe procedure. It is even being done with lasers now, which lowers the risks further. Here are a few things to know about having your cataracts removed with a laser.

No Incisions By Hand

While your eye doctor is probably …show more content…

Laser surgery is no different. Of course, if you want to have laser surgery, you need to make sure the doctor you choose has necessary laser device, computer, and software system in the office, because many doctors still do the procedure by hand. If you have cataracts in both eyes, you'll probably only have one eye done at a time since your vision may be blurry for a few days. Your eyes will be dilated and numbed with medication before the doctor begins, and you'll probably go home with an eye patch.

During the surgery, your doctor may be able to insert a new lens that corrects any vision problems you have such as being farsighted or nearsighted. Then, once you've healed from your surgery, the cloudiness will be gone and your vision might be improved enough to allow you to go without glasses. Deciding on the right time to have the laser surgery depends on different variables. If your cataracts grow slowly, you may be able to put off the surgery for a long time. However, it isn't worth postponing the procedure if your vision is impaired to the point where it affects your quality of

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