
Latin American Spanish And Peninsular Spanish

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The difference between Latin American Spanish (LAS) and Peninsular Spanish (PS) is something that is increasingly prominent in the global Hispanic society. These differences lie in the grammatical, lexical and phonological features of the two variations of both the variant and the original form of the language. Latin American Spanish, spoken in countries such as Mexico, Panama, Chile and Honduras all adopted the Spanish language in the late 15th century and have since made Latin American Spanish one of the most widely spoken variations of the Spanish language in the world. The difference of the phonological features between Latin American Spanish and Peninsular Spanish is a prime example, as the sounds of the vowels can differ depending on the form of the language that is being spoken. Throughout the course of this investigation, the main distinctions between the two forms of the language will be discussed in further detail, centring on the grammatical, lexical and phonological features. It is also worth noting that in Spain there are four different “co-official languages within Spain itself, these signifying the four different regions; Basque, Catalan, Galician and Basque . Therefore, it is clear that even within Spain there is a variance in the form of the language.
Latin American Spanish and Peninsular Spanish are quite different, especially when we look closer at some of the key features of the language’s grammatical, lexical and phonological properties. It is not

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