
Latino And Latin Americans

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Most individuals in the United States with sickle cell disease (SCD) identify as being of African ancestry, or black (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 2017). Latinos are known to be associated with having type O blood; in fact, 57% of Latinos have type O blood, 54% being O+ and 3% being O- (Fox, 2012). Although type O is the most common blood type overall, it is important to note that more than half of Latinos, 57%, makes them the largest ethnic group to be associated with being type O. If there is a disease associated with African Americans and a blood type frequency that correlates with Latinos, there could be a disease or multiple diseases associated with Latinos. In fact, a statistics and fact sheet from the American Heart …show more content…

The medical conditions associated with Latinos include diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Diabetes is a large problem for Latino communities: it affects them almost double the amount that it does non-Hispanic whites (Rodriguez, 2013). Although there is no cure for diabetes, it can be treated and controlled. A large problem with this is that 25% of Latina women do not believe there is a problem with their weight and see being overweight as “normal” while only 15% of non-Latino white women (Rodriguez, 2013). This creates an idea that since there is no problem, there is nothing to fix; Latinos believe they do not have to visit a healthcare professional to either test for diabetes or to treat it if they are aware they have the condition. Many women in general have internalized the movement that encourages women to embrace their bodies; this is perfectly fine, great even, however when it comes to a point where your health is impacted, it is important to get the care necessary to treat diabetes and reduce the health risks associated with it. Because of this image of all bodies being beautiful, Latinos are less likely to lose weight and “are more vulnerable to cardiovascular disease risk factors and other obesity related diseases” (Rodriguez, 2013). D’Adamo’s idea about the blood type diet suggests that there may be a connection between blood type and diet, but it can also suggest that this relationship

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