
Laura Bridgman Essay

Decent Essays

Laura Bridgman is known to be the first deaf and blind American to get an education and English-language. She was born on December 21, 1829 in Etna, New Hampshire. Her parents Daniel and Harmony Bridgman were farmers When was two years old she became very sick with scarlet fever and end up losing her hearing, taste, sight, and smell. On October 4, 1837 when Laura Bridgman was seven years old when started to attend Perkins School for the Blind in Boston, Massachusetts. The only way Laura Bridgman could ever learn anything was by her only senses her touch. Samuel G. Howe superintendent of the school had a special method which would help her education. he used" a spoon, for example -- and then ran her fingers over a label with raised letters that spelled spoon to her touch." Laura Bridgman began learning words and then backtracked and learn the alphabet and the numbers then eventually she learning how to read and write using grooved paper. She kept a journal with her and wrote down what she learned and her thoughts. In 1842 when she was 13 years old Charles Dixon visit her at the Perkins school. Charles Dixon is a world famous novelist has written books like the Christmas Carol. I personating joy reading Charles Dixon books. She is so lucky to get to meet Charles Darwin …show more content…

In his book he talks about how he meets Laura Bridgman and how he is aware of her disability "I sat down…before a girl, blind, deaf, and dumb; destitute of smell; and nearly so of taste:" Then he mentions hopeful she seems and how sad he is that she Is enclosed to the world with only her one senses " before a fair young creature with every human faculty, and hope, and power of goodness and affection, enclosed within her delicate frame, and but one outward sense — the sense of touch." After Charles Dixon wrote his book American novel Laura Bridgman started to become famous for her being the first American deaf and blind to be

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