
Laura Motes And Animal Welfare

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Laura Motes Tells Us the Ways Anyone Can Help Promote Animal Welfare According to former police officer and animal lover Laura Motes, there are many simple ways that everyday people can assist with animal welfare and rescue issues. She knows that you don't have to give a ton of money to a shelter to make a difference. The little things add up to make a big impact. Most of Laura's tips involve community involvement and education, like scheduling a local animal rescue speaker to meet with and talk to your local church or business group. She has also found that by placing a small donation cup on her desk or in the break room of her office, she receives small donations that add up quickly. She then takes that money to the local rescue leagues in …show more content…

These team style sports are not as focused on winning, as with other forms of racing, but more centered around the completion of the event. Adventure races are meant to be a challenge, of the bod and mind. People who attend these sporting events are placed in situations with a need for strength, stamina, and mental agility. Adventure racing is a tend that is growing at a great rate, with many new leagues and facilities springing up around the world. To be a successful adventure racer, you need an innate ability to work well in a team. No matter how qualified you are as an individual athlete, teamwork is the name of the game. People like Laura who are runners find adventure racing a natural fit for their talents. Others who participate in the sport come from backgrounds in swimming and cycling. Usually, an adventure racing team is made up of two to five players who have experience in a variety of sport …show more content…

The 4 Items You Need to Trail Run with Laura Motes Laura Motes will happily run on any surface and in any environment, but trail running is one of her favorites. This sport, which involves running through wilderness trails, is beautifully simple. It does not take much planning or equipment, and many people find trail running to be the most enjoyable form of running. According to Motes, there are certain considerations that need to be acknowledged when preparing for a trail running trip. As the runner will be moving over natural trails and different terrains, they will not need the same gear or equipment as a person running on a track or on the roadways. Shoes are a very crucial item for any runner, especially a trail runner. Laura says that you should wear a pair of true trail shoes. These provide a thicker sole than standard running shoes, which is ideal for uneven ground and sharp rocks. Clothing is relatively universal between trail running and road running. The only point Laura likes to make is that you are likely to get dirtier when loping through the

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