
Law Of Gratitude Essay

Decent Essays

8. The Law of Gratitude: The Law of Gratitude plays out similar to the Law of Cause and Effect or the natural principle of action and reaction. As we look at the law itself, when we express thankfulness to the God Force for that which we have “received” (even though it is still in the unseen), it is an expenditure of force, therefore our gratitude cannot fail to reach God, and when it does the reaction is an instantaneous move toward you. Consider two properly aligned magnets. They are two forces moving in opposite directions while moving toward one another. Gratitude draws you and the Creative Force, God, directly toward each other. If our gratitude is strong enough and consistent then there will always be a move of that which we are co-creating toward us. When the God Force moves toward us it brings all that it is. The Law of Gratitude also dictates that if our heart is not full of gratitude, then something else will take its place. Physics teaches that nature will not tolerate a vacuum. That is to say that if something is removed then something else must take its place. If our hearts are not filled with gratitude, then our hearts will be filled with ungratefulness. An ungrateful heart will take you from what you want as rapidly as a grateful heart will take you toward what you want. The Law of Gratitude nourishes our faith, because as a grateful heart and mind continually expects good things, expectation becomes faith. This faith then, becomes both the cornerstone and the capstone of what it is we are building which comes only from our Universal Supplier, God. Gratitude toward God has the power …show more content…

The eight Universal Laws that I feel you should at least be aware of that take a role in the process of co-creation or what we like to call manifesting. I do realize that they do have a similarity to one another and in some respects, one produces the other and so on but it is after all about harmony and balance don’t you

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