
Lawrence Ferlinghetti Materialism

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Lawrence Ferlinghetti, the founder of City Lights Bookstore, has created many works in both literature and art that portrays the ideals of the Beat Generation. His poem "The World is a Beautiful Place," is a sarcastically ironic poem about a narrator who says "the world is beautiful place;" yet he lists the negative aspects of society due to materialism. At the time the core beliefs of society were that of post World War II non-conformist beliefs and can are clearly depicted in Ferlinghetti's work.

Ferlinghetti was born in Yonkers, New York on March 29, 1919. At an early age Ferlinghetti was already succumbed to tragedies including the death of his father and the commitment of his mother into a mental institution. He lived with his aunt in Long Island, New York for a good portion of his life and attended many prominent private schools in the Long Island area. Later in life after …show more content…

It was in Nagasaki where Ferlinghetti adopted his pacifist and anti materialistic beliefs. Once he returned from war, Ferlinghetti went back to school under the GI Bill and earned a master's degree in literature from Columbia University and a doctoral degree in poetry at the Sorbonne in Paris. Shortly after attaining his degrees, Ferlinghetti and his friend, Peter Martin, opened City Lights Bookstore which would become known as the heart of the "Beat" movement. Today he can occasionally be spotted in City Lights Bookstore but he spends most of his time writing weekly columns for the San Francisco Chronicle and painting pictures depicting the corruption of society due to materialism.

Although the title "The World is a Beautiful Place" may invoke a sense of pride towards the world, Ferlinghetti twists the idea of it being a "beautiful world" and states all the negative aspects of society along with some pleasant aspects which can be utilized to paint a picture of the world for what it truly is. For example, in the first stanza Ferlinghetti states "The world is

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