
Laws on Computer Crimes

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Laws on computer crimes
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986
This law is the most fundamental laws in computer crimes. It was designed to provide protection against computer based crimes. The increase in computer crimes led to the establishment and passing of this law. The law specifically addresses any unauthorized access and the use of computer networks or computers (W. C. Easttom & Taylor, 2011). Passing this law ensured that anyone accessing classified information held within a computer without authorization was liable of a criminal offence. The society has been forced to respect and avoid accessing any information that is not theirs or they are legally authorized to access. This protects the government from hackers and spies who have the intention of accessing confidential information for malicious purposes. Restricting and criminalizing the access of information has allowed companies to confidently use computer systems for the storage of the data and information.
The penalties and fines associated with breaking this law consist of jail terms ranging from 1 year to a maximum of 20 years. The jail term is dependent on the severity of the offence committed. A person convicted of obtaining information that is considered to be of national security will receive a jail term of 10 - 20 years (C. Easttom, 2010). Trespassing inside a government computer or network will attract a jail term of 1 year - 10 years. A person can intentionally access a computer and cause damage

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