Leadership is defined, according to Dictionary.com, as a person who guides, and/or directs a group.I believe that is very true, however with the Military rapidly growing, and becoming more diverse, today’s leaders must be able to lead the new generation of soldiers.Leadership is very different in today’s world and is reflected through one’s core values.So today’s leader’s must have the ability to communicate effectively, have social intelligence, empathy, and wisdom.
The Noncommissioned Officer Creed states that, “I will communicate consistently with my soldiers and never leave them uninformed.” Communication is a very vital part of any relationship, and is the thing that brings respect.Communication, and openness can create a form of vulnerability, and a connection that enables a leader to relate with his or her
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Also social intelligence in this day, and age gives a leader the capacity to manage complex social changes.United States is the melting pot of many races, cultures, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds, so it imperative that we as leaders know how to connect, and lead with these diversities. Harold S. Geneen stated that, “Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.” (https://www.brainy/quotes/topic_leadership.html)
Many times leaders are thought to be placed on pedestals, and are often times detached from their soldiers.Empathy is an action
SSG Margo E. Watson
Leadership Philosophy Paper
16 August 2017 that shows your subordinates that you care about their welfare, and allows you to see your
soldiers in a more humanistic way, and not just as a number.
Anthony Williams stated that, “Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from
Leaders need to have an objective their professional goal and possess the skills and education to help their
Summary: In this article the authors are addressing future leaders, and they immediately inform the reader that because there is more complexity considerably more complex issues and technologies than a century ago in the operational military environment, there is a great need for military leaders to achieve autonomy in terms of adapting to and learning about the evolving environment. In short, leaders must be smarter and better prepared for a changing world.
Through trusting interpersonal relationships staff members are empowered to discuss openly concerns and proposed solutions without consequence from the leader. It is important that followers feel comfortable with approaching the leader with complaints or concerns. Leadership demonstrating a neutral position and maintaining a non-judgmental attitude when faced with difficult situations is much easier to approach.
I believe this concept is the most important because in order to inspire and develop my followers, as a lead I must get to know my people. I must become someone they trust and respect, their mentor. This opens up the channels of communication that allow me as leaders to affectively coach individuals through problems and develop them along the way. This established relationship
Etzion (Pamela S. Tolbert 2009 p91) in 1985 also stated that a leader’s personal qualities could make change by influencing others. Leadership that engages with people and understands its employees’ qualities can help those individuals see how to further develop their own strengths, which at the same time will be of as benefit in their work place. A leader can be a role model for others, even a father figure, and as such a positive influence in other people’s lives, even though as a leader hard choices sometimes have to be made that will not suit all. Merndle, Ehrlich and Dukeric, 1985, believe it is important that a leader should be able to identify people’s abilities and highlight their potential; that unless a leader understands and knows the people with whom s/he is
Creighton’s (2007) statement early in the article about how today’s successful leaders do not fit the stereotype of highly visible, nationally recognized, risk-taking, or charismatic individuals seems like such a simple idea, but has so many applications. He dared to say that good leadership is not aggressive and quick, but thoughtful and quite.
"Leaders are observant and sensitive people. They know their team and develop mutual confidence within it." [7]
Effective work connections create the foundation for success and fulfilment in a job. A leader can sink their career and work associations by their actions and the behaviors they display at work. No matter their education, title, or experience, if a leader cannot play well with others, they will never achieve their goals (Miksen, n.d). It can be that that if there are no effective work relationships then there are no promotions, pay increases, goal accomplishment, and job satisfaction. To build effective work relationships a leader must: bring suggestions to the table, not play the blame game, keep commitments, share credit, don’t blind-side a coworker or boss, and help other co-workers when they need it (Miksen, n.d).
The bottom line in today’s business and personal affairs that affect organizations and influences individuals is the phenomenon called leadership.
Leadership is about the interaction between the leader, the followers and the situation (Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy (2015, p. 15-26). If a given situation changes, the interaction between the leaders and followers can change dramatically. The leaders who understand well this interaction have a huge advantage because leaders are able to:
As Kouzes and Posner write, “Codianni told us that ‘encouraging the heart is the most important leadership practice, because it’s the most personal.’ Codianni believes leadership is all about people, and if you’re going to lead people you have to care about them” (2003, p. 8). Caring about others creates a powerful bond between the leader and the follower. As Gurenlian writes, “This concept comes from leadership literature, but was recognized as something relevant to demonstrate support for one another” (2014, p.10). This strong bond is what makes the leader effective. By showing the follower that they are important and that they truly matter, the leader can extract better results from those individuals that he or she is leading. After time, leaders produce more leaders. Leaders are not just those who hold certain position, otherwise known as position power, but as Crossan, Mazutis, Seijts, and Gandz write. “However, our view of leadership is not focused on power or position, but rather on the capacity of individuals to bring the best of themselves to support and enable others, ensure the organizations they work with achieve at the highest level, and in doing so, contribute to society” (2013, p.391).
The evolution of leadership theories might have started in the nineteenth century with the term “great man”. As Kirkpatrick (1996) explained the leaders had traits like nobody else. Carlyle (1907) claimed that leaders have special traits of character and the exceptional personality eventually distinguish these people from the rest. However, according to Ronald (2014), one was advised to copy these special traits to become a leader which was unlikely to succeed by imitation. At the same time, the Great
to referent power, which allows a leader to empathize with a follower. This in turn can
Leadership is essentially the core and the spirit of an organization. As the people in charge, they not only manage the organization 's affairs; they also deal with the general employees face to face. Entrusted with the task to communicate organizational goals, visions and ideas to employees, leaders are responsible for maintaining and implementing organizational rules and systems and even have the final say on promotion, retention and dismissal. Therefore, in a sense, leaders at all levels are the spoke persons of their organizations, serving as the bridge and the link connecting employees. In the eyes of employees, leaders represent their organizations hence; leadership relationship influences the employee 's attitude towards their organization. Realizing the mission and vision of my organizations, staff must know that they can grow and advance.
Leadership stands out amongst the most generally examined themes today for its relevance to every aspect of life. As such, it’s also a