
Leadership Styles And Theories Of Leadership Essay

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Generally, leadership is the art or process of influencing followers and subordinates to achieve the organizational goals. It helps an individuals or a group to identify its goals and assists in achieving the stated goals. Because of importance of leadership all kinds of group action, there are considerable number of researches and theories on leadership and many kinds of leadership styles like Greatman theory, power influence, Trait approach, Behavioral, Situational or Contingency approaches; Below, the Early Behavior Theory of leadership is being described.
 Behavioral Theories of Leadership:
The limitations of trait theory led to significant change in the leadership Approach. In this theory full focus was on the actual behavior and action of leaders instead of their Personal qualities or traits. This theory emphasize on, what the leaders do and how they behave to become effective leaders. According to this theory leadership can be learned oppose to the Great Man and ‘Trait’ theory whereas leadership was believed to be born and inherited. Several attempts have been made to identify the dimensions of leaders behavior. But the most systematic and comprehensive studies in this direction were conducted in U.S.A at ‘ Ohio State University’ and, the University of Michigan during 1945-1947. These are considered to be the most important behavioral studies.
 Ohio State University:
In 1945 the bureau of Business research at Ohio university initiated a series of studies on

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