
Lean Thinking For The NHS: A Case Study

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Lean thinking for the NHS This white paper presents how the Lean methodology could be successfully applied in a healthcare system. As learned in previous discussions and readings, once executives realized that changes on the system and their methodologies are needed in order to improve process, is mostly when Lean is brought into the puzzle of business. A correct implementation of the Lean methodology will result on tremendous positive changes within the organization that will promote customer’s satisfaction, improve quality, thereby increasing profitability and even reducing costs for the organization. Lean is being implemented within the healthcare industry for a short period of time, and even though is a proven successful methodology, …show more content…

As the article mentioned: lean is not mean. It promotes respect for people (both staff and customers – patients) while ensuring that the best work is being done, utilizing the less resources at a lower costs. Can be argued that people are one of the main resources for a Lean implementation. Overall, the purpose of lean is to improve processes. Lean is not a methodology that seeks for the reduction of costs, even though it might appear as a result of a great implementation of Lean. Neither is a methodology to improve productivity, as it might require to do more work that do not necessarily means that the staff is doing the right things. Lastly, Lean is not about restructuring the work the staff do, as it might simply mean changing activities without considering if they are actually value added or not. Having in mind what Lean is not, and acknowledging that Lean is about eliminating waste and constant improvement, there are few core principles of the

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