
Learning A Second Language Is Often A Difficult And Time Consuming Journey

Satisfactory Essays

Grammar Sucks: Why Grammar Needs to be Incorporated Into Language Instruction More Effectively
Timothy Cobern
California State University, San Bernardino
Dr. Howard
June 10, 2016

Learning a second language is often a difficult and time consuming journey. Not only are students learning an entirely new vocabulary, they also have to learn a new set of language rules. Learning the grammar rules of a language is where most language learners have the greatest struggle. When grammar instruction is taught in the classroom, it is often treated as an isolated lesson, separated from vocabulary and communicative exercises. Grammar is taught with a focus on a specific grammatical feature. Students are then given exercises where they are given repeated opportunities to apply the grammatical feature being learned. Students learning grammar in this fashion can easily apply what they have learned when answering questions on a standardized test or when being assessed for their knowledge, but applying it to writing or communicative abilities can be problematic. Instead of having grammar instruction isolated, it should be incorporated while teaching writing and speaking to improve student’s communicative ability and performance in their second language. One of the best ways that an understanding of grammar can happen for a second language learner is through an open dialogue about what is being taught. “Making connections between grammar and writing is significant in developing

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