
Leaving My Life Behind

Decent Essays

I will never forget the day I discovered that I was leaving my life behind. New house, new school, new friends; it all seemed unreal. The place I grew up with all my friends was about to disappear, soon only to be a memory. I didn’t even get to say goodbye, was the only thought that travelled through my head. I left all my best friends behind with no notice. The final summer I spent in my house was one of the toughest summers of my life. All I wanted was to pause my life and go back to when life wasn’t hectic all the time. As much as I wanted to go back I couldn’t. Little did I know what the future held and how much my new life would later change me. I won’t forget what happened first. It really didn’t seem real that we were moving until the sign went up in the yard. I spent plenty of time just sitting and staring at it wishing that it was only my imagination, but no matter how hard I tried to convince myself, I knew I was only being wistful and chasing after a wish that would never come true. “18 days. Our house sold in 18 days, quicker than expected” I muttered to myself. Everything seemed like a blur after that, with only twelve days left of summer I tried to make it my best. I tried to make myself enjoy it and to be happy about the move, but there was nothing to be glad about. When you leave the only life you’ve ever know it’s hard to act like everything is fine. With only one short month until we moved out and started a new journey, summer was coming to an end. After

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