
Legacy: Critical Thinking and Business Cornerstone Note Essay

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BA 3300 – BUSINESS CORNERSTONE NOTE: 6th edition. Assessing Sweatshirts from Sweatshop You will use the critical thinking skills you have been developing to identify violations of the Universal Intellectual Standards and Logical Fallacies in the essay, “Sweatshirts from Sweatshops” on pages 406-408 of your textbook. On pages 387-402 of your textbook, you will meet Tanya, Kevin, Elise and Dalton, Tanya encounters a series of discussions—the first with Kevin and the second with Elise and Dalton. The textbook describes how to critically assess the arguments in these discussions (Kevin and Elise and Dalton). Use these ONLY as examples for how to use critical thinking skills. In addition, you will want to review the Universal …show more content…

Type your answers using MS Word with the following formatting: Maximum length is 2 pages typed, double or single spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, MS Word default margins; Divide it into two separate parts, the first being the Intellectual Standards and the second being the Fallacies. Type the sentence or phrase being questioned first and then give all the pertinent information to analyze the statements, such as the standard being violated, why, and how to fix it, or the fallacy and why it is a fallacy. This should not be written in essay format—no introduction and conclusion are necessary. You need all the space possible to be able to analyze all of them in two pages, which is the maximum number of pages allowed. Submit as an attachment via the Vista Assignment tab. EXAMPLE Part 1. Intellectual Standards 1.“In Cromwell’s alumni magazine, I read about a research study that showed that in their first two years after graduation, 78% of legacies donated a total of $100 or more to Cromwell” This violates the intellectual standard of accuracy and breadth. We do not know about the “research study” and the accuracy of its statistics. Has the study been replicated? The credibility of a single, limited study comes into question. This person only specifies one source, the Cromwell alumni magazine and it could be bias. Hope’s own position as a student and legacy herself may be affected her perspective—perhaps even determining the approach she

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