
Legal Concepts Of The Firm

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1.1 Legal Different Concepts of the Firm:

The precise legal details of the corporation’s differ across countries. The company law of the U.K is similar to the company law of the U.K because they share a common origin. The managers in both countries have a fiduciary duty to the shareholders. In other words, they have a strong requirement to act in the interests of shareholders. The channel through which shareholders exercises control of company affairs is the board of directors. The board is elected by shareholders and typically on a one-share vote basis. Sometimes multiple classes of shares exits, the main difference between classes being the number of votes each share has attached to it. The board of directors consists of a mix outside directors and inside directors, the latter being the top executives of the firm. It is rare that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is not on the board. In both U.S and U.K the CEO often acts as chairman as well. Once elected the board of directors of directors specifies the business policies to be pursued by the firm. The role of management is to implement the policies determined by the board. Shareholders have very little say in the affairs of the company beyond electing directors. For example, it is the directors who decide on their own compensation, without any input from shareholders. A committee of outside directors determines the senior management’ compensation. Except in unusual circumstances, such as a proxy fight, the outside

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