I asked Kristine if she and Nicholas were in a dating relationship and she replied "yes" and stated they had been dating for the past four months. I asked
Kristine what her and Nicholas were doing in the area. It should be noted the area they were in was a dead end and only lead to a remote farm house and it is not common for people to drive to the location.
Kristine told me she and Nicholas had gone to Spunky Monkey, which is a bar located in downtown Auburn, earlier the night before, 09/16/16. Kristine told me while there, she and Nicholas began arguing about Nicholas drinking. Kristine went on to explain that Nicholas usually becomes angry for no reason when he drinks. Kristine said because they were arguing, they drove to a remote area to talk about things, but she
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I asked Nicholas what lead up to the incident and he replied he and Kristine had a couple drinks and Spunky Monkey and began arguing about his drinking. Nicholas said while there, Kristine slapped him twice in the face with an open hand. Nicholas said he and Kristine went to the
Rainbow Cafe, which is also in downtown Auburn, and Kristine slapped him once more while they were there. Nicholas said he and Kristine drove to 29th and M ST
NW and continued to argue. Nicholas said Kristine slapped him two more times, and he was sick of it, so he tripped her and caused her to fall face first.
It should be noted, while I was speaking with Nicholas I observed his clothing was very dirty if he had fallen on the ground and his right ankle was swollen. I asked Nicholas if he had fallen on the ground, he said he had and he injured his ankle in the process. Nicholas went on to say he had fallen because he was intoxicated and had nothing to do with Kristine.
I ended my contact with Nicholas and recontacted Officer Bateman. I asked
Officer Bateman if Nicholas stated he tripped Kristine or threw her to the ground, and he said Nicholas told him he threw Kristine to the ground. I
told Angelita to meet her at the gas station today to talk about the location of
Tyra said because she had groceries, Joseph picked her up in his vehicle and she
home of her boyfriend, Tony Lazaro. George and Cindy Anthony took Casey home, but once
While Martin was trying to figure out how to tell Gina about the move to LA, Gina was trying to figure out how to tell Martin the same thing. Ultimately, they both flew to the other's city to surprise one another and discuss the move, but ended up missing each other because they were both now in the opposite
According to their neighbors, Jay Erickson and Becky Hunnicutt, the Browns are living at the Strait Lodge hotel. Jay and Becky claim that they see the Browns coming and going from the hotel at all hours of the day and night. Becky Hunnicutt claims, “All of the boys have their own rooms.”
“The arm?” Tobin asked, “He swallowed it. She was scalped, there was no blood in the water-he attached and bit right through; he swallowed her arm.”
Finally, the match commenced. George started circling his opponent. He tripped and fell, the hard floor opening up a gash on his knee.
“Where did you get hurt?” “His head.” The mother said quickly. “His ribs too. It was a bunk bed.
“Asa!” said Midgett bending over to look into his face. “We are trying to wake Ramsey up. He was passed out when we came in.”
He was invited to dine with them at Delrio’s and to come take a drink on the yacht before the diner.
was staying at, the Cecil Hotel. After that video she went missing for two weeks, and was later
was touching her dress and when he stroked it too hard she screamed and he
day before. Harman was in Los Angeles with her best friend Carolina. It was spring break and
Nicholas! If you don't let me go I will scream out Help!" But Nicholas began
They stayed at a hotel a few blocks from the Gallery. Kea was like, “E, you’re so bold, man. You did that right in front of her peoples.” I asked her how much time she had left in Philly and she said that she had only a day left. I got two numbers on her; one for South Carolina and one for the hotel where she was staying. Tam told me to call her that night so we could hook up. I snuck out the house around midnight and headed downtown to the hotel on Arch Street close to where the Convention Center nowadays. I didn’t call her before I came which was a big mistake. I used the payphone near the hotel and unfortunately, no one picked up. E was trying to get some, yo.