
Legal Issues Related And Risk Mitigation Strategies

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Legal issues related to the risks and the risk mitigation strategies ABC Moving Company has a lot of risky situations that we have detailed mitigation above. Of the 5 areas of risk there are three main areas of risk which legal issues could arise from not taking immediate strategic action. Two of the three legal issues could prove to be catastrophic for the company, resulting in bankruptcy and even the possibility of prison. There are two risk areas that have more to do with operational risk that that of litigation. The area of least legal concern would be expanding the company’s operating capacity. While there could be some form of litigation pertaining to not fulfi lling a contract, most likely that would not be the case. The second least area of legality risk would be operating older equipment. Again, the company may face some type of legal contract exemption due to a contract breach, but most likely that would not happen. With the strategic changes we’ve implemented there would be a massive elimination of these risks, and being that they are so minimal they are not going to be at the forefront of ABC’s operations strategy. The mitigation techniques will make the cha nce of any litigation from operations nearly impossible. The next legal issue that could arise stems from the mortgage. This is a low level legal issue as it could lead to filing of bankruptcy if the company is struggling, or could result in bank foreclos ure of the building. This is less

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