
Legalizing Marijuana Research Paper

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Legalizing Marijuana There are individuals who want marijuana legalized in order to make money and for health reasons. There are individuals who don’t want marijuana legalized because they believe it is a harmful drug. An analysis of legalizing marijuana has been a growing controversy in the past centuries, but by passing rules and regulation marijuana can be used to help others or cause problems. First of all what is marijuana. “Marijuana is the dried flowering tops of the cannabis sativa. Classified as a hallucinogenic drug, it is illegal in many countries and the international traffic of marijuana is restricted. Nonetheless, the smoking of marijuana in cigarettes and pipes is a popular recreation around the world” (“marijuana” 1). In the …show more content…

There has also been talk about how marijuana affects your brain and change and individuals IQ. This can affect the brain because the highest density of cannabinoid receptors is found in the brain and these are the parts that influence pleasure, memory, thinking, concentrating, sensory and time perception, and coordinate movement. Using marijuana for a long period of time can affect these functions of an individual brain, such as distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, difficulty with thinking and problem solving and could possibly cause problems with learning and memory. Researchers also found other problems that could happen from the use of marijuana, such as schizophrenia, and high doses of marijuana could cause small psychotic reactions. Also with adolescents using marijuana they have a greater chance of their IQ dropping when they’re older. This is a significant drop of as much as 8 points. …show more content…

But if they prices get lower because of legalizing more and more young people will be buying it and that wouldn’t be good. Other legal substances such as alcohol and tobacco don’t compare to the use of marijuana. When it comes it taxing marijuana the revenue would counterbalance by the usage of higher social costs. With legalizing marijuana the criminal justice system would have a big burden on their side. By legalizing marijuana the rate of crime is expected to increase for the criminal justice department. This causes some serious problems in the jail systems and with the government as well. Then it is said that legalizing marijuana would restrict the use of it thus causing less violence. But it could also get very bad with the drug cartels growing strong and the human trafficking increasing could damage lives. There are many different opinions made by different people everyday about marijuana because some people want it legal and others don’t. In an opinion by party vote republicans voted not in favor of marijuana legalization and democratic favored legalizing it. When it came to

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