Powerfull People And Why Some of these people are known for conquering many many citys, or because of an invention. Lei Zu Lei Zu was a Chinese Queen. She discovered silk. This may not sound like something thet would make them powerfull. No, but it did make them rich.One moring the Queen was in her garenden having lunch. A white thing fell in her tea. The hot tea unravelled the white string.as she qnraveled she wanted to make it into a robe. So they gathered more. And when she gave therobe to the Emperor he called it silk. He also declared it only for the Chinese Royal court. Sargon Sargon grew up in the palace. He was the cup bearer, which meant he was the most trusted. Soon everyone trusted him. He became so popular that he convinced
Sima Gleichgewicht-Wasser, she was born and raised in Warsaw. She was raised in a traditional Jewish home. On the 15 November, 1940, the germans opened a ghetto called Legionowo, 16 miles northeast of Warsaw. She worked as a smuggler to get food to her family. The police stopped her many times and confiscated her food. One time a german guard stopped her and try to make her admit she was Jewish but she never did so he got a German Shepard to bite her and tear pieces of her skin off to make her admit but she never did. One day Sima snuck out and on her way back acquaintance stopped her and told her don't go back where her family was that the ghetto was liquidated. After that day October 4, 1942, she never saw her family again. She had to find a new place to
Mary was sent back to the woods because her grandfather said she cheated the Ta-Na-E-Ka,but a bear was trying to eat her but some animal. The animals are a tiger, and fox.The bear is angry so the bear tried to get Mary and the two animals. The fox and tiger were animal spirits that helped Mary escape the bear
It all began on a Saturday during his sixth grade year for Anselem Umeh. He was watching his older brother play football and quickly was inspired by the game and amazed by the crowd reaction and engagement. “I want to do that too,” was his first thought after watching it, and that’s exactly what he did. The following year he joined a Pop Warner football team where he quickly discovered his love for the game on top of the fact that he excelled in the sport. He would soon find out that that Saturday watching his older brother play would be the beginning of an impressive football career to come.
Unit 10 was a closure for the previous four units in the process of inventing Canada. This unit based on the earliest resources on Canadian history and on the first nations whom lived in this country. This resources were about pre-Cartier and his explorations. Some nations, for example the people who lived in St. Lawrence valley – whom did not have a specific name to be called at- and historians still lacking enough evidence on their existence or what happened with them. These people who are identified as St. Lawrence Iroquoians were lived in the contact area which means the conquerors reached them first. The Iroquoians were exposed to all the dangers Europeans carried into the native lands, different types of diseases they were not immune
The Annals of Sargon identify dozens of conquests or submissions resulting in loot and tributes, and the Annals discuss this bounty in far greater detail and with far greater specificity than they discuss anything else about Sargon’s exploits. The annals also make a point of emphasizing the wealth, and by extension prestige, of those Sargon conquered; saying, for example, that Sargon “seized as booty the gold and silver and the numberless treasures of [Mattallu’s] palace” and “carried away his wife, his sons, his daughters, his money, his treasure, all precious things from his palace, together with the inhabitants of his country as spoil.” If Sargon’s enemies were wealthy and powerful, and he was able to defeat them, he must be even more powerful and deserving of respect and submission, which was further evidenced by the leaders who paid tribute to
This proposal is to help bring to life the Semester on the Appalachain, a semester long expedition on the Appalachian Trail for a group of ten participants, in order to provide an environment that can not be replicated in a typical classroom setting. In the proposal, it will provide research on the benefits of experiential and expedition education, improvement on psychological health, and organizations that run similar programs.
Hi Micquaya. When I think of mental health itself, I do not automatically think of people that are suffering from a psychological issue. Mental health to me is just your psychological status. Mental illness causes me to think a psychological issue. The two are not the same in my eyes. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Physical health is just the status but if I were to say a physical disability it is completely different. The ways to promote good mental health are numerous. Taking care of your body is definitely a good way. Many times our mental status is directly related to our physical health. I know for me, it is hard to think clear when I do not get enough sleep.
Hi Margairia, your story is like so many others that was affected by cancer. Some of us are not educated on it until it affects someone near to use. Cancer is a horrible disease that will affect us all one way or another. My uncle that passed this week, his cancer started off in the bone. Then we were told it had spread to his mouth where it also began to have tumors in as well. The number of things that cancer does to one’s mind and body is indescribable. This pushes me more to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that my children can continue to carry it out.
Last time I described to you the city I currently live in, L’Aquila, Italy, a province in the Abruzzo region, by telling you about its history, my family, and my university. This time I would like to share with you the geography, climate, and details of my family’s home. Geographically L’Aquila sits upon a hillside in the middle of a narrow valley called the Valley of the Aterno-Pescara. It is positioned in a way that makes it close to highest Apennine summits, with an elevation of 2,365 feet. Because of the city being flanked by four mountain summits the warm, dry winds of the Mediterranean get blocked and cause L’Aquila to be very cool in comparison to central Italy. Like California, L’Aquila is also known for having many earthquakes. Throughout its history L’Aquila experienced eleven earthquakes, with each
The Mongols were by far the most powerful people in history, with Genghis Khan being the greatest conqueror to ever live. According to information from many maps, Alexander the great conquered 2,180,000 square miles. Adolf Hitler conquered 1,370,000 square miles. Genghis Khan dwarfed these feats with a colossal proficiency and conquered a total of 4,860,000 square miles.
Throughout history, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, and Alexander the Great are successful conquerors in history. Genghis Khan a tyrant and a bloodthirsty villain, during his period he conquered more territory than any other leader in history. Julius Caesar a great general that ever lived, he also knew how to elevate money for festivals and gifts. Lastly, Alexander the Great is a person who conquered many territories, had a large empire, formed the Hellenistic culture, and became very successful. E.H Gombrich uses the topic “History is always written by the Victors” to make the reader acknowledge, that Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, and Alexander the Great are People who are successful because Genghis Khan was feared because of his conquering , Julius Caesar being a dominant man and the mightiest in the world, and finally Alexander the great conquering many regions.
History has witnessed the rise and fall of many powerful cities, starting with Ur and Babylon and continuing into present day with cities such as New York City. Two of these cities, ancient Athens and ancient Rome, stand out from other cities of their time due to their culture, politics, and influence, both on the world around them and on future civilizations. These strengths qualify them as world cities, and despite their eventual losses of power, their legacies live on.
Before time began, the universe was empty, except for a man named “Tarch”. Tarch was alone, but a creative, clever, and gifted man. He took his time thinking and planning what he would appreciate in his perfect universe.
I was devastated to hear that only ten students were allowed into ENG 102 for the spring semester, but this is my opportunity to show you that I deserve to be put in ENG 102. I believe I should be one of the ten students to advance into your ENG 102 class because I think I have what it takes. I have ambitions and dreams and if I don’t graduate because of this class they will just burn to ashes in the back of my mind. Hopefully you will be persuaded by the end of this essay, and you will end up putting me in your 102 class.
Many explorers represented their countries and brought them to power, but only a few explorers are well known.