
Leonardo Da Vinci Accomplishments

Decent Essays

What makes a true renaissance man? A “renaissance man” is a person with many talents and/or skills. So what makes Leonardo da Vinci a true renaissance man? Da Vinci was a painter, architect, an inventor and much more. Oftentimes he is called the ultimate renaissance man because of all his skills and talents that were shown throughout the years.

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, and growing up he became many things over the course of many years — painter, engineer, architect, and scientist. He used science to transform his art.

Growing up, Leonardo received the basic education (reading, writing, and math) but his artistic abilities were shown at a young age. By the age of 14, he began an apprenticeship with a very notable …show more content…

Da Vinci also practiced chiaroscuro, which is a technique used to give three-dimensional effects to his pieces. Unfortunately, many of his paintings were left unfinished, but Leonardo da Vinci remains one of the greatest artists in the modern world today.

Leonardo da Vinci is also famous for his inventions. He found himself interested in movement and machines. His inventions were bicycles, airplanes, helicopters, parachutes. He drew many plans for tanks, and submarines. Most of these inventions and ideas were many years ahead of Leonardo’s time. His most famous, or well-known invention is the “flying machine” which is based on bats. Among all of these inventions he kept detailed notes and diagrams, and within these notes and diagrams, Leonardo showed his understanding of proportions of the human body.

This sketch is now called the Vitruvian Man. These ideas were not his, but they were taken from the writings of the Roman architect, Vitruvius. Both men believed that this should be used when designing buildings. As mentioned, these ideas are not his, but he spent a lot of his time making connections between the human body and other patterns in nature. This sketch also shows Leonardo’s understanding and study of

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