
Leonid Fridman's 'America Needs Its Nerds'

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In Leonid Fridman argument in “America needs its Nerds” presents the way people, characterizes America's schools, with descriptive diction, expectations, comparisons, and ideal images of people, that are expected to be followed thru. Throughout the passage, Fridman takes on an abhorring tone of voice as he harshly criticizes today’s society for praising brawns over brains. Fridman starts off by introducing the “system of values in society”, identifying that there are rules people follow or are seen by. Fridman starts off by discussing the word of choice people use to label other people, like “nerd’ or “geek”. He also points out that Webster's new world dictionary has another meaning to the word “geek”. A student meaning to geek is “smart”, but in the Webster's new world dictionary, its definition is “ biting off live chicken heads.” Also, people are using the word geek as a connection to the word nerd. Another essential point Fridman describes “academic institution like Harvard” by putting the word “prestigious” before. This lets the reader know he will be using a well-known school as an example to back up his argument, it also shows that everyone is well known with Harvard University. He reveals that …show more content…

Fridman described the way nerds are seen “ ostracized”, meaning banish or outcast to identify the social role a nerd is. In other words, nerds are view as a discrimination. Fridman, later on, reveals that being smart can change your status from cool to loser/outcast. He introduces to the reader’s that in U.S elementary school’s, is where it all begins (when people are starting to label other’s), clarifying that it starts on an early age. Then it leads up to high schools to college. Fridman reveals, when a book is chosen over an activity, your put in a group call “ social outcast”. People also state that books can be a problem to their communication with other

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