
Lesser Prairie-Chicken Argumentative Essay

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Education is vital to improve this threatened species from extinction

The Endangered Species Act of 1973 states that the terms ‘Endangered’ and/or ‘threatened” may be used when a species ‘is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range, or are likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future.’The Lesser Prairie-Chicken (LPC) was placed on the threatened species list in the spring of 2014. Since the early 1800’s the population of the LPC has ‘declined significantly’ (NRCS Leaflet 1). I am a 2nd year Pathways Rangeland Student Intern for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). I have worked in the Natural Resources field for 12 years and have come to an understanding that informing the public is vital for the continuation of the earth, as we know it. In this informative and argumentative essay I will describe how habitat loss, climatic changes (both natural and human caused), and human activities have and continue to push this species to the brink. Educating private landowners and the public is key to produce resistant plant …show more content…

The mission of the NRCS is to help producers understand the need for vegetative cover during all seasons, so that soils are not lost and increasing the producers’ yield for the benefit of both the producer and the nation. We develop property management plans, restoration plans, crop rotation guidance and many other services that aid producers. Keeping in mind what I have stated about the LPC habitat and the guidance available from the NRCS, these are a list of best management practices (BMP’s) that can be implemented by producers to improve both native rangelands, crops and wildlife habitat. The cost-sharing programs will be discussed afterwards.
Best Management Practices

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