
Lesson That Help Me

Decent Essays

The Lesson That Helped Me More Than Anything A character in Norton Juster’s The Phantom Tollbooth was taught a something that they didn’t was valuable at the time, but later in life found that it was something that helped him. As we grow up we question a lot of the things that we are taught, like how is it going to help us in the future. For me it was treating others the way you want to be treated. To me I thought that we should treat others the way they treat us. My family tried to show me that that wasn’t the answer and that nothing is going to work if you don’t know how to move on from what they have done for you. Today I’m in highschool and I can tell you that treating others the way you want to be treated rather than treating them like they treated you is very important. People mature and learn from their mistakes and often need to be accepted into a different group. Some kids don’t know where they want to be so they treat some people different than others. In elementary school I was one of the kids that was bullied and was made fun because I was “bigger” than everyone else. It hurt me that I wouldn’t ever be able to fit in with all the “popular” groups. They just didn’t accept me. It killed me to know that everyday that I walked into school I knew what was going to happen, I never wanted …show more content…

In my case I knew how it felt to be bullied and made fun of, I knew that I didn’t want to do this to anyone. Never did I think that treating others the way I wanted to be treated would ever work but it does. I left that school and went to a different one and they accepted me the way I was. Then in High school I went back to my other school and I knew not to treat others the way I was when I was here last. As I walked the halls in the high school I treated everyone with respect and I never picked at anyone, but this goes farther than high

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