
Lessons Learned In My Life Essay

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in the course of our lives we will always have ups and downs, who have taught us many lessons, lessons are what shape us as people, helps us understand why things happen and give meaning to our lives. one of the places where I have spent most of my life has been the school, which has brought me many lessons that I will never forget, as what is true friendship, take responsibility and what is falling in love for the first time, I know that most all of us have gone through these lessons and best of all is that in most cases we will have happen several times during the course of our lives. the first of the lessons I have learned during these years in school was friendship, you realize how people are and who they really are for you in good times and bad, just when you need them. As you realize who your friend ?. So begins my first lesson was to know which is my best friend Valentina, who just two months ago we fulfill our 8 years of friendship, where we have lived a little of everything, many adventures, sadness, fights but at the end of the day we together at all, even the distance, she lives in mexico and here, there is not a day without talk and talk about us and our problems, so my first lesson is

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