
Letter To Cindy About Going To College

Decent Essays

Dear Cindy,
Congrats on being accepted to the university of your choice, UC Merced!! Hope you are doing great and getting excited to start your freshman year in college! Just so you have a little insight about me, my name is Thamara and I’m an upcoming junior. I also grew up in San Francisco and I attended Mission High school. Now I attend Seattle Pacific University and decided to Major in Global Development and Minor in Sociology. Going to college is going to be one of the most defining moments of who you become and what you achieve later on in life. Everyone’s experience is different and there’s only so much someone can advice you or prepare you for but there’s nothing like going through your own journey. Right now you might be feeling nostalgic …show more content…

Your first semester is probably going to be a rollercoaster of emotions. The first semester is packed with payments, paper work, just overall requirements needed at first but don’t worry that’s only temporary. You will get the hang of it and organize yourself with time. You might go into college knowing exactly what you want to study or what you want to do with the rest of your life, or you might be excited knowing you’ll have the options to choose your courses as you please exploring all avenues. Wherever you are in that spectrum make sure that you are extremely open minded and take classes you normally wouldn’t gear towards because college is all about exploring and finding new passions and interest. Take advantage of your elective courses and don’t just stick to classes that are related to your major of interest; there are so many topics out there to learn from! Please don’t be intimidated of taking advantage of all the good opportunities that present themselves in front of you. If none are visible, make them yourself. Never get in the habit of saying you don’t have resources such as money, friends, leaders because the best tool and only one you truly need is resourcefulness. Don’t get caught up in fear of failure because college is

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