
Letter To Diane Stewart Chamberlin

Decent Essays

Dear Mia Marisol Diane Stewart Chamberlin, Or as I would like to refer to you, the strongest, prettiest, cutest, most amazing bag of trash I know. When I’m with you time goes past fast (like Osh eating). Which would be why I almost lost track of the days and I had to come up with a sweet but not too big gift for you. Can’t set the bar too high or else you’d start expecting too much for the following months and years (or so I hope). So, as much as everyone else might be cringing, here I go. By the way, before I do start, can I just say, you’re thiccer than a sniccer ;). One topic that I would like to dwell on is how happy you make me. I love your hair so much. It’s just so cute and pretty. YOU’RE SO CUTE JUST IN GENERAL. Honestly, I wasn’t too happy before I met you. My life is the opposite of what it was before I met you. I would like to thank your parents, yellow creators and you for being so amazing. I am really happy with you, truly, I got so lucky with you. I am writing this letter purely out of choice and no demon child named Osh is forcing me, I promise. But really, I do want to make you feel special. So, in conclusion, YOU CUTE, THICC AND YOU MAKE ME HAPPY. What else could I need? I just wonder what I ever did to deserve you. I SCORED! …show more content…

You are so funny it hurts. Not to mention, you’re jokes are never offensive and always creative. Well, sometimes they’re not creative at all and they are just as funny as the other kind. A tip of the hat to you Ms. Chamberlin. You’re so kind when it's needed and so mean when that’s needed. You know, they say that girl names that end with an A stands for attitude. Just kidding though, just in case that’s offensive. Also; the beginning of Miss Congeniality is NOT an accurate visual representation of Me VS. Osh. I would say it’s more of the Sharkeisha fight and Osh is Sharkeisha, quite obviously. All in all, I appreciate you dealing with my

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