
Letter To Jesus Paper

Satisfactory Essays

I chose the Gospel reading for Saturday, July 25 Mt 20:20-28 over the parable of the sower which was Friday, July 24th. I was immediately taken back by the mother’s request to for Jesus that her sons may sit at his left and right in his kingdom. A very brazen and bold request answered in an incredibility humble way by Jesus. I can understand why the ten became annoyed with this request. I could picture the jaws dropping as they heard the words coming out of the mother’s mouth. Jesus did not lash out with a response, but calmly started his reply with “You do not know what you are asking.” The choice of words really appealed to me. It was stern but in a gracious way. It was setting the opportunity for Jesus to “teach” them what they do not know. I started thinking of how I would react to a bold request that is inappropriate. My gut reaction would be to become defensive. I learn from Jesus in this story, that we can’t assume that they know fully what they are saying or asking. Take a moment, and talk it out. …show more content…

Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” As I prayed and reflected on this phrase I have come to realize that all of the great leaders and saints all lived out what Jesus proclaimed in this phrase. Jesus came and served his people even though it leads him to death. I pray to have a servant’s heart as I approach my daily encounters. It is difficult in this take control, take charge world. When did serving become a weakness? I can’t help but think of Mother Teresa. She lived this out and in doing so reflected the holiness of Jesus to the world. I pray for our leaders to grow to have a servant’s

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