
Letter To John Proctor Analysis

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(Letter to John) John, Why is it that I stay here in this horrid dark place knowing only hypocrites? I cannot bear the crude stares they give me anymore. Now that you are gone I'm slowly being strangled from what others fear. They are here torturing me in my mind whilst nothing but spoken words come from their mouths. Aye! If I live the rest of my life, if not murdered, I will cry out witchery, until the last hypocrite is dead and their souls turn to evil. I never met any of this to happen to you, I only wanted good for you. I wanted you, and for us to be happy again as we once were. Now all I see is deceiving people. They have all turned on me yet my spirit, my soul.. has all changed utterly for you John Proctor, and only for you my love.

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