
Letter To Zeitoun

Decent Essays

As a student of Mills High School, I am writing you this letter in hopes that you will consider my position on the continued authorization of Zeitoun being read at Mills. In the best interest of the student body of Mills, I firmly believe that Zeitoun should continue as summer reading due to the numerous positive effects it can have on students.

Despite the now verified illegal actions of the main character, Abdulrahman Zeitoun, after the book’s publication, Zeitoun still serves its original purpose of illustrating discrimination towards Muslims in order to educate Americans of the prevalence of Islamophobia in a post 9/11 society. Zeitoun, as a Syrian-American, and his wife Kathy, a converted Muslim, have both endured the negative consequences of Islamophobia. However, days after Hurricane Katrina, Zeitoun’s heroic actions such as navigating the flood waters in order to rescue others, were disregarded when he and his friends were arrested on the fictitious charge of looting and the assumption of a connection to radical Islamic groups due to the common stereotype of all Muslims being radicals. This …show more content…

Upon discovering the indictment of Zeitoun, students, like I have, begin to develop caution in reading text that only shows one point of view. Instead of aimlessly reading bodies of text, students learn to question the integrity of the piece and keep an open-mind by having to consider another point of view or other factors that may affect the writing. Additionally, Eggers employs many rhetorical strategies to accomplish his purpose, thus allowing students to further practice analyzing and understanding the use rhetorical strategies in achieving a purpose. These skills can then be put into use through rhetorical analysis or argumentative essays, such as in the AP English Language and Composition test or the SAT

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