
Leukemia Cancer Outline

Satisfactory Essays

I. (Attention Getter) On February 22, 1999, my mother had an appointment for my one of my older brothers and I. She had noticed that she had a swollen gland in her neck and also had a bad cold sore so she decided to ask the doctor, why she couldn’t get her cold sore go away. They decided to run some blood and sent to a cancer doctor. She was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia two days later.
II. (Information Hunger) Here isquestion for you, how many people in the United States do you think get leukemia in a year? According to the American Cancer Society, 43,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with leukemia each year
III. (Purpose) After my speech today, you will know more information about leukemia.
IV. …show more content…

I. In conclusion, my mother is a survivor of cancer, and is now living a healthy and active life. It has been 16 years since my mother found out she had cancer. She had 6 rounds of high dose chemotherapy and harvested stem cells, which are still frozen in case she would need them. She spent most of the year of 1999 in the hospital and missed most of my 2 and 3 year life. That is time and memories that my mom can never get back but she is in remission till this day and is trying to live life like it is her last day. When my mom was diagnosed, the doctor told her that if she choose not to do treatment, “she may have a month left to live”. She is a huge inspiration and role model in my

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