
Essay on Leukemia

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Leukemia Leukemia is a group of blood diseases characterized by cancer of the blood forming tissues. It was discovered in Europe during the XIX century when a group of doctors directed by John Hughes Bennett tested their patients and discovered their elevated number of white blood cells. It was then called “white blood” and later was named leukemia from the words greek words “leukos” (white) and “hemia” (blood).

Leukemia is a disfunction of the bone marrow stem that over …show more content…

* Acute myelogenous leukemia occurs in adults and children.

* Chronic lymphocytic leukemia onlye presented in adults of 50 years and older.

There are no scientific proves of what causes leukemia in human beings however studies have detected that it might be produced by mutations of the DNA, radiation or cancerigenous substances. Since the cause is unknown there is no prevention method against leukemia therefore if symptoms are presented the patient should elaborate medical tests immediately because as all types of cancer leukemia is only treatable when diagnosed in its early stages. The main treatments for leukemia are :

* Chemotherapy – is a treatment in which large dosis of chemical substances are taken regularly by the patient in order to stop the production of white blood cells and to make the immune system more eficient against infections and diseases. Most chemotherapy enters the body intravenously which increases the chances of survival and defeating of the disease because the drugs enter the stream blood in a faster and more direct way. Some doctors even recomend a portable machine that introduces the drugs through a small surgically inserted cannulae. The main reason why a patient would avoid chemotherapy are the various side affects it represents such as hair loss, nausea and vomiting, anemia and

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