
Leukemi Bone Marrow

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Leukemia is a cancer of the blood and develops in the bone marrow. The bone marrow is the soft, spongy center of certain bones that produces blood cells. Leukemia is a cancer caused due to rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells (WBC) in the blood and bone morrow of the pediatric patient’s body. It is also called as Leukemia blood disorder.

The three major types of blood cells are
• White blood cells - to fight infection
• Red blood cells - that carry oxygen and
• Platelets - that help with blood clotting and stop bleeding.

Leukemia cancer in the patient will make bone marrow to produce excessive amount of cells. Among those cells, white blood cells will be in excessive amount. Most of the cells do not get mature properly which lead to reproduction of few more immature cells. Healthy cells reproduce when there is enough space for them to fit in the blood. The immunity system of body can regulate the reproduction of normal cells by sending some signals. Whereas coming to immature cells doesn't respond to signals and reproduce in excess amount with in short period of time. …show more content…

The reproduced cells which produced because of immature cells does not function properly and doesn't stop infection. When this reproduction amount of immature cells overcome the normal white blood cells amount patient experience the symptoms of leukemia (such as infections, anemia, or bleeding).
White blood cells usually defend the infections caused in the human body, due to these abnormality in the blood cells they stop fighting with the infections and leads to insufficient growth of red blood cells and platelets which causes death of the patient.
Leukemia is one of the major cancers in blood which affects approximately 4000 children every year in the USA, on calculation almost every one child among three cancer affected children are effected with Leukemia

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