
Level Of Interest Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Question 1
List and describe your level of interest and participation in school activities (school, volunteer groups, athletics, music, etc.). List any awards or honors you received in the past two years. In which activities do you plan to participate in the future?

Answer 1

I have always wanted to go to a school with kids who have lots of school spirit. My participation with my school is very high. I help volunteer with my school by being manager of the girls Junior Varsity volleyball team and i'm also the manager of the boys Junior Varsity basketball team. I was also a part of my 8th grade school flag football team. We won the championship and i was recognized by my teammates and coaches as the player with the most sportsmanship as well as the most improved player.

Question 2
List and describe your level of interest and participation in hobbies, activities and groups not associated with school. List any awards or honors you received in the past two years.

Answer 2
As well as playing travel ice hockey I have lots of interest in almost every sport. I love playing football, soccer, basketball, floorball and especially lacrosse.My favorite hobbie to do is helping out the sled hockey …show more content…

Answer 4
I am the oldest of three children. and I'm used to helping out my parents around the house with chores. I have one brother who is 13 and a sister who is five. I have gained many skills from organized sports such as packing my own bags and doing as much as I can independent to prepare to be on my own

Question 5
Please choose one of these statements and then write a 250-500 word response to it.
Describe a person you admire or who has influenced you a great deal.

What makes you the interesting person you are? (be sure to include the qualities you like best about yourself.)

Explain the impact of an event or activity that has created a change in your life or in your way of

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