
Levitt And Dubner Incentives

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Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner's world view that “incentives are the cornerstone of modern life” (Levitt, 12) is a view that I completely agree with. I also believe that, after reading, that this is the key idea to this book. Greed, love, and happiness, along with many others, can all be incentives. Levitt and Dubner show this by expressing that business, whether a street-gang or McDonalds, is like a tournament. They express that everyone “wants to succeed in an extremely competitive field in which, if you reach the top, you are paid a fortune”(Levitt, 102). You can see the tournament as a pyramid, where the bottom is fighting their way to the top. Levitt and Dubner use the example of a crack gang. At the bottom of the pyramid, the members each make $3.30 an hour, while risking not only prison, but their life. Whereas the leaders would be making up to 68 thousand dollars a month. The rules of the tournament are that you have to start at the bottom to make it to the top, you have to be willing, and you have to prove yourself to be above average (Levitt, 104). The incentive is clear: to win the tournament and make the most money. This example complements my world view, where incentives are the backbone of choices. Incentives can …show more content…

I believe the most important point that it addresses is how critical it is to know what to measure, or evaluate, in any given situation. To some people, this is simply a sixth-sense, but to some it is impossible. This is expressed by Levitt and Dubner from front to back of this book. Between cheating teachers to the effect of names, they continuously use data to prove their points. The best proof that knowing what to measure can make a difference is seen in their theory on abortion leading to crime drops. Experts and newspapers were continuously pointing in the wrong directions because they simply did not know what to

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